PTSD Alliance Members
Five national and international organizations representing a full spectrum of healthcare make up the PTSD Alliance. These organizations are here to serve individuals with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder.American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG)
The ACOG out of Washington D.C. represents greater than 40,000 physicians providing women’s healthcare. Their website is a wealth of information on topics relating to women’s health and safety that may lead to PTSD in women.
On their website, you can find resources relating to:
- Partner violence and sexual assault
- Domestic Violence
- Intimate Partner Violence
- 24 Hour Hotline for abuse situations
Anxiety Disorders Association of America (ADAA)
ADAA, a nonprofit national organization, is committed to the prevention, treatment, and cure of anxiety and mood disorders, including Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. It also seeks to improve the lives of people who suffer from anxiety and mood disorders through education, practice, and research.
On their website, you can find many helpful resources relating to PTSD:
- Information about PTSD
- A PTSD self-test
- A PTSD mobile coaching app (from the US Dept. of Veteran Affairs) and other useful links
- A directory on where to find help.
- A bookstore offering literature for both professionals and individuals relating to PTSD.
- Support groups so you can reach out to other PTSD sufferers.
International Society for Traumatic Stress Studies (ISTSS)
ISTSS is an engaged, diverse, and worldwide organization dedicated to sharing information about the effects of trauma. They seek to discover and spread knowledge about policies, programs, and services that reduce traumatic stressors and their consequences.
On their website, you can find helpful PTSD resources:
- Research and treatment guidelines
- Checklists for assessing trauma
- Conference schedules
- Searchable Clinician Directory
- Other trauma-related links and resources
Sidran Institute
The national non-profit Sidran advocates for early recognition and treatment of trauma-generated disorders and stress to help people understand, manage, and treat trauma and dissociation.
On their website, you can find helpful resources relating to trauma and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder:
- Training tools such as trauma workshops on traumatic stress and PTSD.
- Resources such as articles, links, and tools for therapists, faith-based caregivers, survivors, and loved ones.
- Online store with the best books, videos, educational, and trauma survivor support materials on PTSD and dissociation.
- Help Desk to find compassionate, personalized support.
Beachway Therapy Center
Beachway Therapy Center is a drug and alcohol rehabilitation center committed to providing high quality and innovative, individualized treatment by experienced and licensed professionals. They address their clients’ deepest emotional and mental issues in order to reach the core of their addiction and lead their clients into a healthy lifestyle. Resources about:
- Trauma Recovery
- Addiction Treatment
- Family Support
Alcohol and Drug Rehabilitation
There is a distinct relationship between alcohol/drug dependence and PTSD. You may discover the following resources helpful if your PTSD is exaggerated by substance abuse.
- SAMHSA (The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration) is a Dept. of Health and Human Services agency with the mission to reduce the impact of substance abuse and mental illness on America’s communities.
- Drug sponsored by the National Institute on Drug Abuse; writes helpful research articles about drug/alcohol abuse.
The PTSD Alliance provides this website as a service for all-purpose health facts for the general public. Do not make this website a substitution for counseling, treatment, or medical attention. If someone you love has Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, please talk to a trained mental health or medical professional for guidance. They will help you through the process of getting a proper diagnosis for PTSD treatment.