7.7 million Americans have PTSD
30-40% of those with PTSD also suffer from addictionPTSD and substance abuse result in problems with trust, closeness, communication, & problem solving, which may affect the way those who suffer act with loved ones. Fortunately, PTSD is treatable.

Do You Or A Loved One Suffer From PTSD?
We live in a society that teaches the value of inner strength and the ability to overcome adversity. It is common to feel that no matter what we’ve faced, no matter how terrible the ordeal we’ve endured, we should be able to “get over it” and move on emotionally and mentally.
But what if, after something horrible has happens, you find that you simply cannot “move on”? You might be suffering from PTSD.
A person may develop Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in response to extreme trauma that he/she has experienced, witnessed, or learned about, especially one that is life-threatening or causes bodily harm. A person may feel horror, fear, or helplessness because of this trauma.
One put their PTSD feelings this way…
When I lost my son in a car accident, I felt my life was over. I didn’t want to do anything or see anyone; nothing made me happy or sad. I couldn’t stop myself from thinking about the accident, and I couldn’t sleep through the night. I hated feeling this way, but my son was gone. Nothing could change that or the way I felt.
Posttraumatic Stress Disorder is a common, yet serious, mental health condition
If you or your loved one suffers from these three symptoms, typically clustered in association with PTSD, it may be time to get professional help:
Avoiding People or Places that Trigger Memories of the Trauma
People suffering from PTSD will go to great lengths to avoid any thoughts of the traumatic event they experienced. Because of this tendency, they may begin to feel disconnected from their loved ones. They may feel empty emotionally and even lose interest in activities they used to enjoy.
Feeling Hyper-Aroused
As a sufferer of PTSD re-lives the trauma over and over, they can grow to become extremely alert or on-guard at all times. This can cause feelings of anger or unexplained irritability to the people around them. They can have trouble going to or staying asleep; during the day, they can find it hard to concentrate and be easy to startle.
Re-Living the Trauma
People suffering from PTSD will often experience nightmares over and over, or they will have images “pop” into their minds at different times without warning. This re-living of the trauma can cause extreme reactions, both physical and emotional, to the sufferer: chills, racing heart, shaking, or panic attacks.
The good news is, PTSD can be treated. But you or your loved one needs help to heal. Get help today!
About PTSD Alliance
PTSD Alliance is an association of advocacy and professional organizations for individuals suffering from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Alliance members have made it their mission to increase awareness of this common and serious health condition to PTSD sufferers, their families, and the general public. The PTSD Alliance seeks to educate the public and those at risk of developing PTSD about the prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment of this health condition.
The Alliance also works closely with frontline professionals in the medical fields who serve individuals diagnosed with PTSD to give them the most current and up-to-date information available about Posttraumatic Stress Disorder through the PTSD Alliance Resource Center. The PTSD Alliance also recognizes that many suffer from addiction while coping with PTSD. For this reason Beachway has sponsored the organization to help provide treatment and care to those suffering from post traumatic stress disorder.